
Monday 21 April 2014

A puzzle-Hmmm, I posted on Discerning Dish, my lapsed book blog and I hope it's not lost in the ether

Ugh, been a while since I posted.

This morning an author I have recently discovered and read everything she has written posted on Twitter a link to her new book.

I felt a buzz of inspiration when I clicked the link and it was for reviewers.

I felt it was a sign to resurrect my book blog and take a step towards higher functioning.

It has been particularly difficult winter, my depression is compounded by the darkness, and I was grieving the loss of my Best Friend, Lori.

I have a cousin I love dearly and her daughter was struggling this winter and hit a wall.
I invited her to my home to love and support her.

I was hoping her seeing me live my coping strategies would be incentive to incorporate some of them into her life to help her out of crisis.
my cousin's Hubby decided to send all of of us to Maui for 2 weeks of sunshine and warm weather to assist our healing and recovery.

I've been back a week and feel much improved.

The first buzz of inspiration to do something productive was this morning and Hope Ramsay's tweet.
My iPad was out of juice and I worried my post was lost.

WoooHooo it just loaded.
Thank You Universe.
Here I Go.

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